Lesson Summary



Show your understanding of academic criticism by conducting your own analysis of a scene from Macbeth.


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The source text you will use for your criticism is Lady Macbeth’s sleepwalking scene from Act V, Scene I. Follow the steps below to write your final critique.


Step 1: Read the source text. . Lady Macbeth’s sleepwalking scene from Act V, Scene I.


Step 2: Evaluate the source text and add your notes to the literature column of the Academic Criticism graphic organizer.


Step 3


Image A

Lady Macbeth looking at her hands. Image taken from The Works of Shakespeare.
© British Library / Universal Images Group/
Image Quest 2013

Step 4: Evaluate the image and add your notes to the art column of the Academic Criticism graphic organizer.


Step 5: Read Lady Macbeth’s sleepwalking scene from Michael Lynch’s stage adaptation of Macbeth.


Attached as Lady Macbeth 


Step 6: Evaluate the production and add notes to the theater column of the Academic Criticism graphic organizer.

Step 7: Use your notes to create a final critique of the two interpretations of Shakespeare’s scene. Your critique should evaluate each piece and compare both the image and the play to the source text. Your critique should be a minimum of 10 sentences