Write an analysis of the democratic concept or principle

Question (CXU5A) : Write an analysis of the
democratic concept or principle represented in the Declaration of Independence
and/or the Constitution you selected for this Discussion and an explanation of
why you selected it.Explain how the concept or principle might be used by a
Supreme Court justice in a modern-day Supreme Court case to adjudicate a
current conflict.

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Question (CXU5B) (1–2 pages):

  • Briefly describe what The Federalist Papers are, why they were written, who the authors were, and why the papers are important today.
  • Describe Federalist Papers 10, 51, and 78. Explain how each can be applied to governance today.
  • Explain which of the three selected Federalist Papers you believe has had the most significant impact on governance in America and explain why.
  • If you live outside the United States, explain which of the three selected Federalist Papers most closely resembles a principle of government in your country and explain why.