Write a 4-5 page Literature Review about Issues in Local Emergency Management

Topic: Issues in Local Emergency Management

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Must provide documentation of a need related to the issue and research-based proposed solutions. Information included in the literature review may include data or statistics related to the issue, descriptions of related incidents or reasoning for the issue, descriptions of what other jurisdictions or agencies have done about the issue, and anything else that defines the scope of the problem and possible solutions. The majority of the documentation must be from legitimate sources such as peer-reviewed journal articles and government websites for data. May include newspaper articles that introduce the need for your proposal. Please note that special interest web sites provide biased information to support their purposes and are not considered reliable sources for the proposal. Provide at least 8-10 references for this literature review. The format will be standard academic style following Turabian guidelines. Must have 4-5 pages of literature review. Original work only, make sure to follow all requirements and rubric.

– Literature Review Rubric

Project – Literature Review Rubric





25.0 pts

Majority or sources are peer-reviewed journals, thorough discussion of literature including analysis and interpretation. 20-25 points

19.0 pts

Less than half of sources are peer-reviewed journals, minimal discussion of article with some analysis and interpretation. 12-19 points

11.0 pts

Few sources from peer-reviewed journals, minimal discussion of article without analysis and interpretation. 5-11 points

4.0 pts

Did not use peer-reviewed journals. 0 – 4 points

25.0 pts


10.0 pts

Proper format per Turabian, at most 1 or 2 format errors. 9-10 points

8.0 pts

Generally correct format with few errors. 6-8 points

5.0 pts

Some correct format but with significant errors. 3-5 points

2.0 pts

Format not correct. 0-2 points

10.0 pts

Spelling & Grammar

5.0 pts

Proper spelling and grammar, at most 1 or 2 spelling or grammatical errors. 5 points

4.0 pts

Generally correct spelling and grammar with few errors. 3-4 points

2.0 pts

Significant spelling and grammatical errors. 1-2 points

0.0 pts

No Marks

5.0 pts