Who bears more blame for the tragedies of 1947, Jinnah or Nehru? Muslims or Hindus?

Wolpert, 273-353, Gyanendra Pandey, “Can a Muslim Be an Indian?” Comparative Studies in Society and History 41:4 (1999): 608- 629. acording to these readings answer Who bears more blame for the tragedies of 1947, Jinnah or Nehru? Muslims or Hindus?

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B: do you agree or disagree with this statement.

“Can a Muslim Be an Indian?” by Pandey, investigates the term ‘nationality’ and the different settings it is utilized in, fundamentally on account of the minorities possessing any country, for example, India. It discusses how the terms country and patriotism vary because of the distinctive utilization of the words. The creator brings up that in the discourse of patriotism, the individuals from the Islamic people group are alluded to as “Nationalist Muslims”, anyway the Hindus are classified “Hindu Nationalists”. It demonstrates that the “brand of nationalism” of the last is the one which is given considerable weight. He discusses how politically mindful Hindus were fanned into two sorts of patriots: common patriots and Hindu patriots, yet “Muslim” nationalism, which was likewise becoming at the same time was not separated into “Muslim nationalists” and “secular nationalists”. Rather, they were partitioned into “Nationalist Muslims” and “Muslims”. Pandey alludes to Jawaharlal Nehru’s concept of patriotism the Indian Nationalism, which disposes of the Hindu driven perspective from the term in his book ‘Glimpses of World History’. He makes this point to demonstrate the differentiation between ‘Hindu nationalists’ and ‘Indian Nationalists’. The creator likewise says “nation and nationalism are created by establishing boundaries” however he additionally says that they regularly support the standard and not the minority.

Pandey returns to allude to the contentions that the Muslims looked during the India-Pakistan segment where they were very furious and shocked by Jinnah’s affirmation of Pakistan being a mainstream state. This was absolutely against the general purpose of requesting a different Muslim state because of which the segment occurred. Numerous Muslims were associated with being open or “closet” Pakistanis during this time as they were found on the side of needing to be a piece of the Muslim Nation State and individuals questioned whether they’d change their feelings medium-term.