what is police function?

this is four assignments. two writing assignments, an outline and a research paper.

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What is Different Today in Policing (Assignment 1)

In this assignment, you will be creating an essay on “Compare and contrast modern police personnel standards with those of previous decades”. Your essay will follow the academic 5-paragraph format:

  1. Introduction paragraph with thesis
  2. Three body paragraphs
  3. Conclusion paragraph
  4. References page

This paper will follow the APA format. The paper will be in 12-point Times New Roman fonts. Double space: your entire essay should be double spaced, with no single spacing anywhere and no extra spacing anywhere.

Use the library resources, our text, and other resources to support your ideas about the differences in modern policing to the past policing.

Conventional Police Organization (Assignment 2)

In this assignment, you will be creating an essay on “Describe contemporary policing trends and issues that law enforcement is facing”. Your essay will follow the academic 5-paragraph format:

  1. Introduction paragraph with thesis
  2. Three body paragraphs
  3. Conclusion paragraph
  4. References page

This paper will follow the APA format. The paper will be in 12-point Times New Roman fonts. Double space: your entire essay should be double spaced, with no single spacing anywhere and no extra spacing anywhere.

Use the library resources, our text, and other resources to support your ideas about the conventional police organizations.

Assignment 3: Outline for Final Project

After reviewing the “Research Project” , create a detail outline to plan your project. Include some resources you may be using.

Final Project


As noted in your text, community policing represents a specific philosophy and practice in law enforcement. It requires police officers to alter the traditional approach to crime fighting as well as actions geared toward solving community problems or issues. Community policing is based on the idea that community support and interaction can prevent crime and solve local issues that confront communities, which ultimately is assumed to reduce the fear of crime shared by individuals and groups in those communities. According to Thomas Frazier, former director of the U.S. Office of Community Oriented Policing Services, community policing exists when a “law enforcement agency and law abiding citizens work together to accomplish four things: 1) arrest offenders; 2) prevent crime; 3) solve ongoing problems; and 4) improve the overall quality of life” https://2001-2009.state.gov/p/eur/rls/rm/2002/14785.htm

Community policing is defined as involving three key components: developing community partnerships, engaging in problem solving, and implementing community policing organizational features http://discoverpolicing.org/whats_like/community-policing

Community policing, including its numerous variations, incorporates a philosophy that provides the foundational values of a police department. The primary organizational goal is working with individual citizens, groups, and the public and private organizational sectors of a community to identify and resolve issues that impact the living conditions of neighborhoods or a city as a whole. Community-based police agencies have realized that police cannot effectively deal with these issues alone; they need to work cooperatively with others who share a similar desire to resolve problems in the community.

As individuals, police officers traditionally have worked toward the goal of bringing together government and private resources to achieve defined objectives in combating crime. Community oriented police officers are trained to make purposeful effort in creating and maintaining personal relationships with citizens, businesses, schools, and community organizations http://www.cops.usdoj.gov/Default.asp?Item=2630 and http://www.popcenter.org.

The Project

Welcome to Anytown, U.S.A., an average American city in most respects that, on the surface, appears to be a great place to live and to raise a family. The city has a diverse racial and economic makeup. The city’s population is composed of African Americans, Caucasians, and Latinos. The affluent sections of the city experience relatively low crime rates, and the middle and low income sections have seen a rise in crime and a growing distrust for the police. The police department has never used a community policing approach.

Following the lead of Frazier and the general community policing philosophy, as an officer of Anytown Police Department, you have been tasked with preparing a community policing policy for your department. Create a four-to-six-page policy document (for presentation to command staff) that contains the elements listed in the following sections.

Project Objectives

Your document should address ways in which police and citizens work together to accomplish

  • Arrests of offenders
  • Crime prevention in the neighborhoods
  • Improvement of the overall quality of life in the community or city

Additionally, your policy should address the following questions:

  • Based on your research, what kind of training will the police officers of your department need to attend in order to become proficient in community policing? What should be the focus of these training sessions?
  • Would training be provided for the community residents? Why? Provide appropriate reasons for this decision.
  • How would the policy address the protection needs and fear of crime among specific groups such as juveniles, the elderly, minorities, the disabled, or the poor and the homeless?
  • Finally, based on your research, how would the success or failure of this policy be determined? How would the policy be evaluated and by whom?

As you write, be sure to incorporate and properly reference the sources of information obtained through your research and used in your paper. To cite your sources, please follow this procedure:

  1. Use in-text citations to indicate references to information from outside sources. Include the author’s name and the relevant page number(s) in parentheses. Here’s an example: Human beings have been described as “symbol using animals” (Burke 3).
  2. At the end of your paper, include a Works Cited page listing all of the sources you’ve consulted. Use either APA or MLA format for this page. For information on how to prepare this page, go to the Penn Foster Library.

Project Goals

The following are the goals and purposes of this research project:

  • To allow you to demonstrate the knowledge and to display the skills that you’ve acquired from the course curriculum
  • To enable you to use that knowledge to development a strong understanding of community policing and its importance to communities

Grading Criteria

Your project grade will be based on the following criteria:


70 points

Written communication

30 points

Here’s a breakdown for each of these criteria.

Content (70 Points)

The project addresses ways in which police and citizens work together to accomplish

  • Arrests of offenders (10 points)
  • Crime prevention in the neighborhoods (10 points)
  • Improvement of the overall quality of life in the community or city (10 points)

The project addresses training required for police officers to become proficient in community policing and identifies areas of focus. (10 points)

The project identifies training to be provided for the community residents and appropriate reasons. (10 points)

The project addresses the protection needs and fear of crime among specific groups, such as juveniles, the elderly, minorities, the disabled, or the poor and the homeless. (10 points)

The project identifies ways to evaluate the policy changes to determine success or failure (10 points)

Written Communication (30 Points)

You’re expected to submit your own original work, with all research sources used properly cited using APA style. You must also provide a properly formatted Works Cited page at the end of your paper. Your own original, interesting, and academically relevant presentation is of primary importance. Please review the school policy with respect to plagiarism and its definition.

Your project should also include the following elements:

  • An introductory paragraph, a body, and a concluding paragraph
  • Correct grammar, spelling, punctuation, and sentence structure. Proofread your work carefully!
  • Clear organization with transitional words and phrases, such as first, however, on the other hand, and so on, since, consequently, next, and when.

Writing Guidelines

  • Type your submission, double-spaced, in a standard print font, size 12. Use a standard document format with one-inch margins. (Do not use any fancy or cursive fonts.)
  • Read the assignment carefully and address all parts of the project.
  • Be specific. Limit your submission to the topic(s) or issue(s) suggested.