Watch: Darkman,write a discussion(1 page).

Class participation (i.e. discussion board posts) is an irreplaceable part of the learning process in this course. You will be evaluated on the QUALITY of your contributions and insights. A quality comment possesses one or more of the following properties:

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Offers a different and unique, but relevant, perspective

Contributes to moving the discussion and analysis forward

Builds on other comments

Includes evidence, argumentation, or reflective thinking while moving beyond opinion or value judgment.

Note: While points allocated will not be based on length or number of words, it will be exceedingly difficult to achieve the above benchmarks in one or two sentences.

Film Writing: Best Practices

As this course is mainly engaged with film, you will be required to use time markers for each in-text citation: (Title of the Film Hour:Min:Sec) eg. (Batman 01:23:15). Because you will need to reference a fair amount of evidence in your analysis and writing (direct quotes, scenes from the films, articles, etc.), I highly suggest that you watch the film with subtitles on so you are able to write down the exact quote. You are expected to read and watch the entirety of whatever is assigned. If you take notes as you read, you will be much more prepared for the written assignments. Also, remember to save all of your work often and in multiple locations.