Virtue Ethics

(Textbook is attached)
C. In chapter eleven, Veatch describes virtue ethics. Use FIVE of the following concepts from biomedical virtue
ethics to reach an ethical conclusion about the case of Dr. Cline: (i) virtues, (ii) character, (iii) benevolence, (iv)
virtue lists, (v) professional virtues, (vi) care.

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“Dr. Cline, the Fertility Doctor (from Mihir Zaveri, The New York Times, Aug. 30, 2018)

To couples at the end of their ropes who wanted children but could not conceive them for medical reasons, Dr. Donald
Cline was a savior of sorts, offering to match the women with sperm from anonymous men resembling their partners.
Many couples sought Dr. Cline out at his Indianapolis-area fertility clinic during the 1970s and ’80s. They had
children, who grew up and had children of their own.
What the couples did not know was that on an untold number of occasions, Dr. Cline was not using the sperm of
anonymous donors. He was using his own.
Now, Dr. Cline’s former patients and their children are asking enormously consequential questions: How many
women did he deceive? How many children did he father? Most perplexingly, why did he do it?
The authorities who are investigating Dr. Cline have confirmed through DNA testing that two women were
biological children of his. Through 23andMe and other similar genetic testing websites, three dozen half siblings of those
women have been found, said Jacoba Ballard, 38, one of the biological daughters. She expects the number to grow.
In some instances, state prosecutors said, Dr. Cline even told women that he was using their husbands’ sperm but
provided his own.”