violation of the Equal Protection clause, LES week 4 written assignment help

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The Supreme Court looks at three questions to determine if there has
been a violation of the Equal Protection clause.  It then developed
three different tests for determining if state laws violate the Equal
Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment, rational basis, strict
scrutiny and intermediate scrutiny. Review the situations described
below and then identify which test to apply to determine whether there
has been a violation of the Equal Protection Clause.  Consider the
presence of a suspect class, fundamental right or purposeful
discrimination in determining which test to use.

  • After analyzing statistics on marijuana use and behavior, a state allows females to use marijuana but not males.
  • The National Honor Society at a public university tells a student that she was not selected because she is too old.
  • A state university sponsors a religious club but refused to sponsor an atheist club.
  • A state law does not allow discrimination lawsuits when the reason
    for refusal of service is religious beliefs (a caterer refuses to cater a
    gay wedding).
  • An immigrant family cannot apply for welfare benefits until they have lived in a state for two years.

Paper Submission Requirements:

  • Your paper should be APA formatted and the body of your paper should be approximately two pages in length. An APA format has been provided for your convenience. 
  • For further guidance on your paper, please refer to the “Written Assignment and Research Paper Rubric.”
  • Assignment should be uploaded in this section before midnight on Sunday.

Resources for Assessment:

i upload the written assignment and research paper rubric please make shore you read it and applique  and also you can google the text book name :

The book name is Constitutional Law Principles & Practice