transnational networks, civil and uncivil, assignment help

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Minimum of 150 words and include direct questions, evidence from the literature, alternative points of view or additional insight. The student  goes by Ana.


This week we learn about transnational networks, civil and uncivil. As John Arquilla states the term networks is used to describe individuals or groups one interacts with regularly (Arquilla 2007). He also adds that in today’s world, that many of these networks, licit and illicit, “rely heavily on the internet to maintain their cohesion and expand their reach” (Arquilla 2007). This topic about networks is interesting because I believe that there is always someone out there that thinks the same way as you do in almost every aspect, good and bad. So with the use of the internet and the distance it can travel, it’s no wonder that many countries limit its use.

Civil networks can be very useful and can provide support of national and/or international interests however at the same time, expose the lacking a particular nation has, say with regard to environmental, human rights and social issues. Networking holds the potential to create loyalty driven groups that may “identify less with their nation and more with their network” (Arquilla 2007). Which I think this the case with many uncivil networks. If we look at many of these terrorist groups, they reveal themselves to be more concerned with their associated network agendas than that of their home nations. Uncivil networks like organized crime or terrorist groups can appeal to those who need to feel a sense of community as well as with civil networks (Arquilla 2007). The community association that networks present now, with the use of internet, are effective in transcending language barriers and distance (Arquilla 2007).

Although this is probably not a civil network, I immediately thought of I think it’s interesting that people can find almost anything they need, thousands of miles away via the internet. At the same time, you can see how that is also very scary. Internet sites like “back page” and “craigslist”, are easy venues for human traffickers to frequent in obtaining new clientele, and network with other like-minded individuals (Fisher 2012). Human trafficking networks are some of the most intricate and deeply rooted in many societies making it hard to crack down on. However, at the same time, it’s through the use networks that can help bring people home who were once sold into that environment. AMBER alters, although initially an American system, has now spread across the world, as a tool to help combat child abductions. This is supported by many states, and has been effective in assist law enforcement. Although these may not be networks by definition or group associations like Al Quade for instance, they use social platforms in a collaborated effort to pursue a particular agenda, disrupting or saving lives.

Arquilla, John. “Of Networks and Nations.” The Brown Journal of World Affairs 14, no. 1 (Fall, 2007): 199-209.

Fisher, Daniel. Forbes. January 26, 2012. Accessed September 18, 2016.

“International AMBER Alert Day – Join the Search in Europe – AMBER Alert Europe.” AMBER Alert Europe. January 13, 2016. Accessed September 18, 2016.