Topic 3 DQ1 Dena Moreno
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Order Paper NowTopic 3 DQ 1, Nurse practice involvement through time.
Nursing, along with all the medical field, is in a constant state of evolution. This is a topic of much debate with most clinical staff members. It doesn’t matter where you work, you will always hear the rumblings of having to change the way you do this or that. I learned early on in my career that change is inevitable, and to embrace it. Because from change we have developed Evidence-based practice and honed our professional skills to care for our patients in the best way.
From the very beginning of what was the most basic idea of nursing, there was always change. Prior to Christianity and through the middle ages, men were the primary caregivers to the sick. After the middle ages the industrial world took hold and men flocked to those jobs leaving a gap in caring for the sick, that women began filling the role of. (Whitney, 2018). During wars and battles, it was still primarily men that took this role, leaving the battlefield and working in the military hospitals. It was during one of these wars, the Cri mean War that you begin to see more women on the front lines of healthcare. Though one of the few women in nursing at the time, Florence Nightingale was put in charge of a hospital in Crimea. “ Nightingale and her nurses discovered overcrowded, filthy living conditions that were unsanitary and infested with bugs and rodents. Clean water was not available, nor were effective sewer or drainage system” (Whitney, 2018). This is often thought of as the beginning of modern medicine. The ANA defines nursing practice as “a scientific method designed to deliver the very best in-patient care, through five simple steps, assessment, diagnosis, outcomes/planning, implementation, and evaluation” (“What is nursing?”, n.d.) You can see this practice utilized by Nightingale and her nurses during this time. Throughout the modern history of nursing you find many influential nurses revolutionizing what it meant to be a nurse during that time, subsequently changing the entire dynamic of the profession itself. From Linda Richards who “established and headed a number of training schools” ( “Nursing Timeline, n.d.) in the 1870’s, to Elizabeth Grace Campbell Neill whose “greatest contribution to the profession of nursing was the creation of nurse registration” (“Nursing Timeline, n.d.). You also have Mary Adelaide Nutting who not only graduated in the first class of Johns Hopkins Training School for Nurses ,” But went on to be a “nurse educator and writer” and “She became the first nurse to hold a university professorship” ( “Nursing Timeline, n.d.). Many of these greats of the time began institutions that are still around today and play a large role in dynamics of how the profession researches, finds a need, and manages changes needed for best practice.
ANA “What is Nursing?” (n.d.) Retrieved from
“Nursing Timeline,” (n.d.), Retrieved from success-center/v3.1/#/media-element/CONHCP/9A618C63-0C53-E811- BF97- 005056BD7343
Whitney,S (2018) Dynamic’s in Nursing, Art & Science of Professional Practice: History of Professional Nursing. Retrieved from nursing-art-and-science-of-professional-practice/v1.1/#/chapter/2
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