Theoretical Aspects of Conspiracy Investigations, law homework help

Be sure to address all prompts and cite your sources in APA format.

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Investigators start preparing for trial at the very beginning of the case investigation. There are many steps involved in court preparation for the investigator, other witnesses, and the attorneys. This discussion question will focus on trial preparation for investigators, as well as tips for the investigator to use in preparing him or herself and the case for testifying in court.

Please respond to the following:

  • As the investigator in a major investigation, describe what you would do to prepare for trial. Make sure to include when you would begin your preparation and why you would begin the preparation at that time.
  • As a juror, describe what could create doubt in your mind regarding the case. Your answer can be about any aspect of a trial including evidence, witnesses, the attorneys, the investigator(s), etc.
  • Find one website that discusses how to prepare for court or trial in some way (tips on preparing for court, tips on being a witness). Briefly describe to the class what you found. No plagiarism