The Use of Deadly Force

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Write a 3-4 page paper in the Use of
Deadly Force; per MN statute 609.066

  1. The
    paper should focus on the use of deadly force by police officers.

  2. Locate
    and reference one use of deadly force court case.

          -Summarize the court case

          -What elements of Minn. statute 609.066
applied to the case?

          -Do you agree with the findings/outcome of
the case?

          -How did/does this case affect law

3. Focus on and
answer the following questions within the paper:

         -What elements must be present for the
justifiable use of deadly force?

         -Is the 4th Amendment
applicable to the use of deadly force? If so, how?

****Assignment will be graded on
completeness, presentation, relevance, depth of analysis, APA format, at least
2 sources and have an intro and conclusion.