The philosophical question and claim
Stage 1: Choosing your Philosophical Question
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Order Paper NowThe question for this project is taken form “The Nicomachean Ethics” by Aristotle. The question is, “Which is more important for a person to possess, courage or truthfulness?”
Stage 2: Organizing your Philosophical Question (Organizing the Claims and Counterclaims to your Philosophical question)
For the second stage of your Final Project in Philosophy 100 you will conduct an analysis of your philosophical question by listing a claim and counter-claim to your question, and organizing arguments, evidence, reasoning, and examples that support them. As an introduction to philosophy, it is important to list and organize the conceptual points of your overall argument, and also to list and organize the conceptual points of any counterclaim in order to refute them.
Stage 3: Arguing your Philosophical Claim
For the Final Project stage 3 you will present the answer to your philosophical question in the form of a speech. You will write this speech on a Word .docx to submit. You can also supplement your written speech by recording yourself saying it on an .mp3. but this is optional.
Your speech will take the form of what is known as the Classical Style:
The Classical Style is divided into four (4) parts: