TEDTalk on Inequality and Rawls’ Veil of Ignorance, questions help

Review the TEDTalk on Inequality and Rawls’ Veil of Ignorance. Imagine the ideal organization for which you would like to work (this can be a health care organization, if desired). If you were to use Rawls’ Veil of Ignorance, what rules would you put in place at this organization? Pick two and describe the social contract that would need to be in place, addressing parties involved, how each shows they are part of the social contract, and what actions the parties must take to show they are upholding the contract. Also address any consequences for not upholding the social contract. Fill in the appropriate boxes on the worksheet with 2-3 sentences each. A separate reference page is required.

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Supporting your work:

Use at least two pieces of information from this week’s assigned material to support your work. These should be included within the worksheet. You have an option to supplement your work with additional material if needed, which must be from scholarly sources (i.e., peer-reviewed journal articles, books, etc.). Wikipedia is not a credible source.

All direct quotations and information taken from your sources must be credited using APA Style®. Resources on APA Style® may be found in the Hondros Library by clicking the “APA Resources” link on the left navigation.

Documents to help you:


Social Contract Worksheet Grading Rubric30 Possible Points

Required elements

Potential earned points

Required element parts

Rawls’ Veil of Ignorance

0-5 points

• Demonstrates thorough understanding of Rawls’ Veil of Ignorance


Social Contract Theory

0-5 points

• Demonstrates through understanding of social contract theory


0-10 points

• Addresses elements of chart thoroughly
• Two organizational rules described clearly


0-5 points

• Uses correct grammar, spelling
• Uses short, clear phrases/sentences
• Uses formal language (no slang or jargon)
• Appropriate for reader
• Defines any abbreviations on first use



0-5 points

• Uses two pieces of support from the weekly material
• Sources cited APA style
• Reference page for sources is correctly formatted APA style


Rawls’ Veil of Ignorance and the Social ContractETH200

Name: _________________________________________                    Date: _______________________

Social contracts set aside self-centered interest in favor of rules that benefit everyone. All agree to do the same. (Rachels & Rachels, 2015, p.85).  Review the TED Talk on Inequality and Rawls’ Veil of Ignorance. Imagine you have the opportunity to change any social contract in our present societyIf you were behind Rawls’ Veil of Ignorance, what new social contracts would you modify? Fill out the chart with your answers. Address each piece in the appropriate box.



Social Contract 1

Social Contract2

Describe the social contract 

All children would have free immunizationservice from their communities.



How contract is based on Rawls’ Veil of Ignorance

From behind Rawls’ Veil, all children of allsocio-economic statuses would be protected from disease. This rule would promote equality.



Name  all parties to the social contract

Children and parents–community



Describe what each party contributes/sacrifices to show it is committed to the social contract

Parents submit to immunizations as required by community; community as a whole pays for immunizations 



Describe benefits for each party in the social contract

Child receives immunization services for free; community receives citizens who will not carry diseases for the most part.



Name any consequences for not upholding the social contract

Individuals not immunized may contract and pass on disease within the community, weakening the population.




Choose one of your social contracts and in a brief paragraph, describe why it would work, using at least one piece of cited support from the week’s material. Reference your source(s) on an additional page, APA style.