So Far from God, essay help (3 pages, MLA)

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Tittle: So Far from God
 Author Castillo, Ana   Description Magical-Realistic/ Chicana

Write an analytic essay on it. You essay should follow the
guideline in the handout “How to analyze Literature”; so yes, do aim to argue a
message that the book offers, using quotes and clearly explaining how  those quotes prove your viewpoints. You may analyze

-3 full pages

-Provide at least 3 quotes


Introductory Paragraph (The
essay’s first paragraph):

-Your introductory paragraph
ends with a thesis; by “end”, make sure it’s the last sentence of your first

-Your thesis must take a
position; it’s must explicitly state you think people should (or should not)
do. Your thesis should refer to the character or he author; it should refer to
people who exist in reality, don’t write what you think is the author’s viewpoint;
instead write your own.  

-Make sure that the position
is worth arguing. In other words, make it an opinion some people would disagree
with it. If your position is one that most people agree with, then is a week
thesis that makes a week essay.

Your analytic paragraph (the 2nd paragraph, but also the
3rd, the 4th and the 5th at least)

 Open each analytic paragraph with viewpoint; state what
you think people should do; it should act as a sub-heading for your thesis that
also declares what people should do.  

1—Do not open your analytic
paragraph by announcing the story/poem/play/ and what happen in it, or what the
writer believes. When staring your analytic paragraph, try not to mention the
work- or the author – at all. Neither one relates to what should be your

– Do not open you analytic paragraph by mentioning the
characters and their problem; remember you must focus instead on opening with
what you think people should or should not do.

– Do not open you analytic paragraph with a quote. You must star
with  your own words, not the author’s.

2–Provide a quote. After you have finish opening with viewpoint
for your analytical paragraph, then introduce the quote; before writing it, you
may briefly relate the character’s trouble or situation that relates to your
viewpoint , You certainly want to name (narrator? Character? Authors? ) who
says this quote.

– Start the quote with a quotation mark and finish with one;
keep them close to the letters and each one should pint toward the quote.

-you must add citation after your quote.

-do not quote too much; no more that forty per cent  of the
paragraph’s words should be the author’s if your quote is that long or longer,
then you need to either edit your quote or write more.

3– Comment after you r quote
in your words after your quote; do not end the analytic paragraph with a quote.

-Write how your quote connects back to your viewpoint at the
paragraph’s beginning .

-do not write what happen next in the story or play after your

-Do not end your paragraph telling about characters; end it,
like you opening, without mentioning either the character or the author, again
end your paragraph by clarifying how your quote proves your papers arguments.
This will inevitably refer back to your opening paragraph’s viewpoint.