Shipping Out Magazine Article Discussion

Article 1: Shipping Out(attached as file)

question: (answer with complete sentences and write as much as you can)

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1) Wallace’s essay “Shipping Out” was originally published in Harper’s Magazine. Before you read his essay, go to Harper’s website (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. and read about its history. Based on how they describe themselves, what they publish, and any other details you notice, who do you think is Harper’s intended audience? Describe this audience’s concerns, interests, and assumptions, education level, and socio-economic status. Avoid broad stereotypes!

2) As you read “Shipping Out,” list as many conventions of travel writing as you can identify from the beginning of the essay to the end. Make sure to note page numbers and quote as needed.

3) Now that you’ve finished reading the essay, consider its rhetorical effects on the audience. How does Wallace’s use of conventions (identified (in #2) affect his audience (described in #1)? What specific response(s) do these conventions elicit from this audience?

4) What is Wallace’s message? What is his purpose for writing? How does this intended response (explained in #3) from the audience serve Wallace’s purpose?

Article 2: The Great Pleasure Project (link “The Great Pleasure Project” (Links to an external site.)

questions:(answer with complete sentences and write as much as you can)

5) Neville’s essay appears in Ski Magazine. Go to their website (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. and explore its features. Based on what they publish, how it’s designed, and any other details you notice, who do you think is Ski Mag’s intended audience? Describe this audience’s concerns, interests, and assumptions, education level, and socio-economic status. Avoid broad stereotypes!

6) As you read “The Great Pleasure Project” list as many conventions of travel writing as you can identify from the beginning of the essay to the end. Make sure to note paragraph numbers and quote passages as needed.

7) Now that you’ve finished reading the essay, consider its rhetorical effects on the audience. How does Neville’s use of conventions (identified (in #6) affect his audience (described in #5)? What specific response(s) do these conventions elicit from this audience?

8) What is Neville’s message about skiing in North Korea? What is his purpose for writing? How does this intended response (explained in #7) from the audience serve Neville’s purpose?