Revise Unit 4

Opportunities for improvement: However, there should have been inclusion of what has been presented throughout the course. Be sure to update before inclusion of the Unit 5 requirements

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My Unit 4 is in the up loaded files: Senior_Leadership_Matrix and it needs revised with improvements posted above and I have attached pirior assignments that play off of it. You can work off of this file, update it, revise and save.

Key Assignment: Final Draft

The senior leaders at Matrix have asked your supervisor, Annalise, Director of Human Resources, to ensure that a formal document regarding your project of developing a new performance appraisal plan is ready in 1 week. What they want to see is all of the research that you have conducted regarding this process. They want to be fully informed and have again spoken about the trust that they have placed in you. This is quite a complement coming from this group.

Annalise speaks to you about this and praises you for following her 3 key guidance points that she provided to you last week. You developed a detailed Key Assignment first draft. You are very motivated by her comments and those of the senior leaders and are ready to complete this project.

Annalise notifies you that what you will now be preparing is your Key Assignment final draft. She states that you need to add some additional researched information to this document as requested by the senior leaders. This additional information must be detailed. This will be added to your previous document and would make your Key Assignment final draft, titled Comprehensive Performance Management Document. You definitely realize the significance of this assignment.

You also acknowledge the fact that the Key Assignment final draft must flow in a logical and coherent structure with a strong introduction and conclusion.

You initiate research on the additional requested information that must include the following:

  • Ethical and legal dilemmas associated with “potential bias” within performance appraisal systems
  • Court case studies (e.g., Albemarle Paper Co. v. Moody)
  • Absence of adverse impact
  • Why formal evaluation criteria will ensure a reduction in rater bias and increase legal compliance

Submission of the Comprehensive Performance Management Document:

  • Review the entire document for any changes and improvements you would like to make.
  • Ensure this final version of the document is sufficiently detailed to fully meet the assignment requirements for each part of the course.