Resource Development, Writing Assignment Homework Help (1000 Word)

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Resource Development

Write a 1000 word, APA style paper where you choose one of the Mini-Cases below (either Mini-Case A or Mini-Case B) and answer the elements detailed (or requirements) in the case study.

Mini-Case A

The Briargrove CLN Team has reviewed your project. They are requesting that you develop a risk analysis tool for the project to measure risk in its different forms throughout the project.

Please provide the matrix assessment tool that will be used.

In order to successfully complete this project there are resources outside your organization that are needed. for accessing and utilization of three resources (Human Capital/individual being loaned for the project, Information Technology, and Equipment). Include a schedule for these resources and how they will be used.

Please address the risks involved with these resources.

Include a title page and 3 – 5 references. Only one of the references may be from the internet (not Wikipedia). The other references must be located in the Grantham University Online Library. Only the body of the paper will count towards your word requirement. Please follow the rubric below.