Reflective Analysis Essay Format Assignment (1500-2000 words)

Assignment is based on
a reflective analysis of a student’s own experience as either a manager or
employee. Think about a time when you have been faced with a challenge when
dealing with an employee or manager and you felt that it affected the quality
of the employment relationship. Write up a scenario of the incident, then use
the case analysis techniques introduced and practiced in class to summarise the
key points of the scenario, an analysis of why the incident and consequent
actions may have occurred and, finally, what may have been done differently and
what the perspective of different stakeholders may have been on the alternative
scenario that you present.

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The scenario and case analysis should be written in essay format. You
should draw on materials we have used in class, the textbook and other reading
sources to support your arguments – especially in the analysis and concluding
sections. The assignment should be around 1500-2000 words.


I was given a big task from my manager that I should hand it in, in one
month. I worked really hard to achieve my best. I stayed late at work and came
on weekends. I submitted the task to my manger, and then I found out that my
manger presented the work as if he was the one who worked on it. all the
appreciation and flatteration went to him. He even didn’t appreciate what I
did. This has affected the quality of the employment relationship.

Please note that I’m an Quantity Surveyor employee at construction company,
dealing with many managers from different nationalities.

Please note the following:

– Please follow the above instructions carefully.

– This is a reflective analysis, I will be attaching the guideline how
to write a reflective essay and a website link. (Coherence and the Unity of Essay)

– 1500 to 2000 words (10% Plus or minus)

– Minimum 15 list of references.

– Harvard Style.

– Citation whenever you quote or summarise from a book or a academic

– 0% Plagiarism.

Reflective Analysis Guide

The purpose of this analysis is to provide you with the
opportunity to critically examine your experience and connect it to the
learning objectives of the primary course.

The analysis will include four levels that will encourage
critical thinking, and offers a guide to processing your experience. These
levels are objective, reflective, interpretive, and decisional. You must
thoroughly answer the questions and provide examples where needed.

A. Objective: This part of your analysis will include
descriptions of your concrete experience. Be sure to include your identified
learning objectives.What did you do?
Who did you work with? Where did you work? What is the purpose of that
organization? What did you observe? What were your learning objectives? What
did you see? What did you hear?

B. Reflective: This part of your analysis will focus on how you
felt or interpreted your experience. Please provide a context for these
feelings by providing examples from your experience.How did you feel at the beginning of your
experience? Challenged? What was the most frustrating part of the experience? incident
happened that changed the quality of the employment relationship

C. Interpretive: This part of your analysis will focus on
what you learned from your experience.What did you learn? Did you accomplish your learning goals and
objectives? Why? Why not? What did you think about? Did your experience make
you change the way you thought about a particular social issue? What worked,
what didn’t? Did you learn anything in particular about service that you didn’t
know? Why was your experience important? How is this experience connected to
your course work? Can you use what you learned in other ways?

D. Decisional: This part of your analysis will explore how
you will incorporate your new knowledge into your current state of mind.What decisions have you made based on your
experience? Have you changed any of your beliefs, opinions, and truths? What
would you do differently next time? How has this experience affected your
career path, your personal life choices, or your use of new information, skills
or technology? How are you going to use this new knowledge in the future?

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