Psychology Essay


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Go to and search “Martin Seligman”.

Watch the lecture on Positive Psychology to learn more about the Three Approaches to Happiness.


Go to and complete the Approaches to

Happiness questionnaire. (scroll to bottom of page and search for this particular questionnaire). The questionnaire relative to general happiness is NOT the correct questionnaire for purposes of this lab.

PART 3: Print the results of the questionnaire & turn in with essay outlined below

PART 4: Write an essay answering the following:

What is a formal definition happiness? (cite your source). Include one or more research finding(s) on happiness noted in your text.


How do YOU define happiness?

Do the results of the questionnaire accurately reflect what you thought about yourself and your approach to happiness? Why or why not?

What factors in your life have contributed to your approach to happiness?

Describe one change you can make in your life, attitude, or behavior that could increase your level of happiness.