Oncology Nursing

I need to develop this topic in a word, that the article reaches to be able to speak 6 people (keep in mind that each person must speak only 3 minutes) and also present it in power point with these requirements.

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PowerPoint requirements:

1.Engaging and creative: with images, or videos, sounds (video length not more than 1-1:30 minutes)

2. Minimum text on the slides

3.There is no minimum number of slides a long as your presentation is around 20 minutes

4.A Cover page with the names of all presenters, course number and title, Professor’s name, title of the presentation

5. Introduction slide(s), where you are introducing the topic, explaining its significance. Provide numbers, statistics, if relevant, describe a case if it illustrates an issue well, etc.

6. Main part of the presentation should include review of the issue/problem/topic (use minimum 5 sources published within the last 10 years)

7. Practice/research recommendations

8. Conclusion – what is the main idea that you would like your audience to have after your presentation? Is it a call for action? How can the situation be improved/developed etc? You can address this kind of questions at the conclusion of your presentation.