Netflix firm

I want to do my paper about netflix, I want to write first part :

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Introduction to your firm:

  • Should describe the firm size (in sales, assets, or employees), age, market share in US, and CEO. These statistics should be from the last two years.
  • Briefly discuss and summarize financials. Compare 5 year stock chart to S&P 500 (include an actual chart).
  • Briefly touch on history of firm
  • Describe the mission and vision statements (use quotes and cite appropriately if quoting these statements. Also, a description should follow if quoting)
  • Describe the firm’s global position (how many countries does it operate in? in which country does it have a large presence? Etc…)
Format Requirements:
  • Times New Roman 12 pt. font with 2.0 line spacing
  • Use subheadings (sections) to enhance clarity and readability
  • Ensure that the use of concepts from the course is explicit and appropriate
  • Use only one term per concept or issue (e.g. if you use the word “company” do not interchange it throughout the paper with “firm” or “organization”)
  • Be concise – avoid passive voice and long sentences
  • Emphasize the evidence and build on it – eliminate unfounded speculation and opinion
  • Narrative form should be used.Tables can be utilized in an Appendix for necessary facts.
  • APA style should be used – template is available on BlackBoard.
  • Remember if you paraphrase information – source it. If you are copying word for word from your source – put quotes around the section then source it.
  • PROOFREAD, PROOFREAD, PROOFREAD!!!Excessive grammatical errors will hurt your grade!