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Emotional Regulation
Emotional regulation is an important skill learned
during early childhood. Your textbook states: “One of the most important
aspects of emotional regulation is what it predicts later in development.
Preschoolers and elementary-age children who express a great deal of anger,
hostility, and other negative emotions show poorer social competence in school
and are isolated from or rejected by peers (Eisenberg et al,. 1987; Fabes et
al., 2002; Hubbard, 200; Zechmeister, Zechmeister, & Shaughnessy, 2001).
Based on your Readings for this unit or on other research-based sources, answer
this question: According to research, how can parents and other caregivers help
children ages 2 to 6 to learn how to regulate their emotions, increase social
competence, and improve peer relationships? Be sure your response includes
original academic research/literature.
Middle Childhood
In your text, you have read about how
children in middle childhood are learning to regulate their emotions and the
role that parents play in this development process. Based on the course
What are two behaviors that parents engage
in that affect emotional regulation in children ages 6–11?
How might those two behaviors affect a
child’s self-esteem?
What role does the child’s temperament
play in his/her development of emotional regulation? Integrate the conclusions
found in the Zalewski et al. (2011) article (below) addressing the relationship
between emotional regulation and temperament. Be sure to use your own words
when including information found from the article, and use direct quotes
Source: Zalewski, M.,
Lengua, L. J., Wilson, A. C., Trancik, A., & Bazinet, A. (2011). Emotion regulation profiles, temperament, and adjustment problems
in preadolescents. Child Development, 82(3), 951-966.