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fans by Ken Blanchard is wonderful business book.This is totally
different type of book that i have not read before.The book has many
business math and solutions for problems within business.The common
themes in all business are customers.In order to open business or to be
scufessful in business good customer services must.There should be
relationsship between buyers and shoukd have aim for
cusomer engangment.according to the write Kan blanchard’doesnt matter
what kind of business is it wethear its profession pracrice,a
hosptial,or a government angency,sucess comes to those,only those,who
are obbsed with looking after their customers”.In business field it
doesnt matter what kind of busines you’re into as long you have
plans,strenth and knowloege what cusomer asking for.anyone can be
successful by proving good cusomer service and make customers
believe that this compnay ding giving cudtomrs more than compettieors.In
my opinon i think auhtor choose this themes becase its the way to
attract customers and spread publicity by giving cusomers 100%.
There are many effective situation in business.For
example.”when customers are silence”.If customers don’t make comments
about the service or appreciate then there is a problem.Also in the book
mentioned when a customer says im fine another sign of problems.The
busiess need to have good customer service constandnly.Business owner
cant lack of consistencty in business.Business need to meet cusomer
focus basivially saying cusomer expections becuase if business dont
fullfill cusomers epections there is big chance they might loose the
cusomters.There shoykd be honest relatinshop bwteen cusomers and
bsiness,ebcuase without trust and commiment business cant be succesful
neither become profitable.
In my opinion i
would recommend creating Raving Fans would be helpful,because in some
cases i think they do need to be change specially the part where they
have arguments about how things should be and differentiate in between
them.I would recommend to change the secrets between business and
customers.If a business have secrets from its customers there are always
some type of hidden secrets leaves customers in dark or under shadow.I
don’t think there should be any differences between business and
customer.customers should be treat with honestly.
i was building a business i would really really create raving fan .OR
maybe create something similar to raving fans.I believe it will be very
helpful for a successful business especially in today’s economic
condition.For example,when i brought my car for business i had to plan
many things such as,financial arrangements ,the location and the people
whom i should speak everything was
plan even though it wasn’t
written down somewhere like raving fan but it was planned in my head for
very long period of time.Also it is very nessescary to know who will
help u out during your need and whom should u ask for help.You cant ask
anyone you need to have plan knowloege how to arragment money that you
need for buiilding a business.
I would apply
the knowledge i have learned from the book raving fan very well and will
try to stick with the plan and see how its goes.specially with a good
planning and creating raving fan will be clear that what you’re doing is
right.Creating raving fan can also see and moving forward to right
directions in business.most of the ideas and suggestion Raving fan made i
totally agree and believe it’s do able and everybody should do before
launching any business if they committed to be successful very sooner
than others who doesnt create raving fans.I would apple it in daily
business and
make sure everything goes on plans and always have
backup plan.Especially when there are problems in the business always
have to find solutions or alternative solutions so business does not