Multi Agency Alliance for Children (MAAC)

Prior to writing the paper, students must conduct one interview each with their contact person and conduct their observations at the agency. During the interviews and observations, students must explore the concepts of case management as identified and observed within the agency in accordance with material covered in this course in the textbooks.

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  1. Using the information provided about each major section of the research paper and based on the concepts you’ve learned from the Woodside/McClam text (See Research Paper Expectations in the Content area), write at least two questions for each major section. All your’re doing is writing 2 questions for each section. Below is just a guideline of the research paper itself, this is not the research paper.
  • Agency name and description: several paragraphs detailing the agency’s function and its clientele. This section should introduce the contact person for the project, including job title and credentials.
  • Principles and goals of case management: an analysis of the agency’s application of the concepts supported by interview and observation as well as peer-reviewed sources.
  • Three components of case management: an analysis of the agency’s application of the concepts supported by interview and observation as well as peer-reviewed sources.
  • Four methods of case management service delivery: an analysis of the agency’s application of the concepts supported by interview and observation as well as peer-reviewed sources.
  • Role(s) of the case manager: an analysis of the agency’s application of the concepts supported by interview and observation as well as peer-reviewed sources.
  • Three phases of case management: an analysis of the agency’s application of the concepts supported by interview and observation as well as peer-reviewed sources.
  • Summary: several paragraphs detailing the student’s experience with the project, including a summary analysis and objective evaluation of the agency’s performance in carrying out the case management concepts covered in the course.

Reference: Woodside, M. R. Generalist Case Management: A Method of Human Service Delivery. [Columbia College]. Retrieved from…