Modifying a lab report

Write this report as an Industrial Engineer in APA format (every pic must be labeled)

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I have a lab report for manufacturing class, I need you to edit it and change in a way it looks different than the original report. I’ll provide you with pictures to use instead of the ones in the report, and you can get the tools pictures from the internet if needed.

Also, you need to look at this page: which will show you the lab steps, how it’s suppose to be done, and how to express the result.

Me and my team created a Nut which was not accurate, which means you need to justify it. The reason it was not accurate, we didn’t determine the center of the Nut correctly, and the Drill was not stable when we drill it.

Since the report which I want you to edit it is 820 words, I’m going to choose 3 pages.
