Locate and read one of the following articles from the CSU library

Brown, R. (1953). General Emory Upton-The army’s Mahan. Military Affairs, 17(3), 125-131. Retrieved from

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Potts, J. B. (1994). General Custer and the Little Bighorn reconsidered-again. Journal of Military History, 58(2), 305-314. Retrieved from

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After reading your chosen article, you will write a review. In your review, you will be examining both the content and the purpose for the article. Be sure to address the following in your article review: What major figure(s) were covered in the article, and why were these figures significant? What technology or innovations were present in the post-Civil War era? What was the social climate of this time period? What was the attitude of the soldiers coming out of the war? What could have made the article better? Discuss the meaning or implications of the article’s contents as well as any flaws you find in the article. How well researched was the article? How could the author expand on the results? Your review must be at least two pages in length, not counting title and reference pages. Additional sources are not required but may be used if needed to supplement your chosen article. Any information from outside sources must be cited and referenced in APA format.