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First,make brief answer for this which the teacher asked me

Estonia is a developing country in that it is relatively new to handling international business issues. Using Hofstede’s criteria (p. 120 in your text) describe the culture for business people new to Estonia. 

And i have to response two other students in class, below are their airticle, just brief response, whatever from which aspect

First one

 Anholt describes a “Good Country” as being one that makes decisions based on the greater good of not only humanity, but the environment as a whole. (Anholt, 2016) The actions of individuals, cities, and entire nations can either make great contributions to the world or cause serious damage. Typically the goal of each nation is to advance by doing whatever it takes to create a more profitable, stable, and globally influential nation for its people.Anholt is not only bringing awareness to the global issues, but also suggests that the “culture of governance worldwide” must change to yield the best results. (Anholt, 2016)

The South American nation of Chile is ranked 24th on the Good Company Index. Though Chile is “gooder” than 80% of the other nations on The Good Company Index, there is significant room for improvement. (Anholt, 2016).  Chile can use moderate improvement in the categories of Science and Technology- 52nd; Culture- 47th; and International Peace and Security-42nd. The area of Science and Technology can improve by adding more international students. In order to become more attractive to foreign students, Chile will first need to improve their Health & Wellbeing category which currently has a ranking of 114. The Culture category can easily be improved by exporting more creative exports to inform other areas of the globe about Chile’s cultural background.

The safety within the nation and their contribution internationally as a result of Chile’s citizens is detrimental to the ranking of how good Chile is. Chile makes a substantial negative contribution to humanitarian aid. This may be a result of Chile requiring large amounts of humanitarian aid while not contributing much to other areas of the world.  International Peace and Security can be improved by reducing the “number of casualties of international organized violence.” (Anholt, 2016) The reduction of crime in Chile will result in children maturing into law abiding citizens. Such citizens will also consider doing things such as contributing to humanitarian aid and subsequently improving Chile’s Health and Wellbeing ranking.

Chile’s unemployment rate is at an impressive 5.8% as of January 2016. (Economy, 2016) While the great majority of Chile citizens are employed, they may not occupy the jobs that are needed to make Chile into a globally aware nation. Managers should focus on shaping their employees into the pillars of community that are willing to donate their time to educate the younger generations or volunteer for various humanitarian aid programs. The Chilean government has limited time to devise a plan as in recent years Chile has undergone “traumatic ups and down and is now challenged to grow.” (Forbes, 2015)The Chilean government should create government funded programs or incentives to encourage citizens to give their time to improve the nation that they call home.

Second one

Managers in Mongolia should focus on rebuilding the interest that once existed in foreign direct investment, or FDI (Forbes 2015). To do this, they need to leverage the strengths of the country, such as the growing interest in Mongolia’s nature resources (Murphy, 2003), while doing their part to reduce the unattractive aspects of Mongolia within their control, for example reducing their carbon footprint by investing in cleaner manufacturing practices. The face that Mongolia according to the God Country Index, is 101st in global contribution to planet and climate shows that there is a lack of corporate social responsibility (Luthans, 2015), and likely even less government regulations holding managers to environmental standards.

Geographical challenges are something managers in Mongolia are somewhat handcuffed by. The majority of the trade in Mongolia is with China, and they receive the most of their energy resources, such as gasoline and diesel, from Russia (Forbes, 2015). This leaves the country vulnerable to price hikes on both fronts. To counteract this, mangers could look to other prospective countries for trade sources, however the landlocked country only borders the two aforementioned countries, making FDI even more important (Narangoa, 2012).

To increase FDI, managers could look into partnerships with major producers of their needed materials. Beyond that, managers could lobby political figures for tax breaks and leverage the commitment the new government made to restoring investor trust and jumpstarting the current economy (Forbes, 2015).

By making their voices heard in a political sense, and doing their part to become better stewards of the global environment, I would expect that economic growth would be a slow process, but a sustainable (Luthans, 2015) one. A country like Mongolia, with its geographical and weather challenges (Murphy, 2003), is not going to change overnight. A good relationship with the government and a notable effort toward a cleaner environment should be the first step for managers in Mongolia.