Intro to Criminal Justice, law homework help

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Study Guide – Intro to Criminal Justice

Chapter 1 – What is Criminal Justice?

  1. Please define the following: justice, social justice and criminal justice.
  2. List the (3) components of the American criminal justice (CJ) system, and describe their functions.
  3. List and describe the consensus model and the conflict model. Is the consensus model a reality? Criticisms of the consensus model? Please provide examples of conflict in the criminal justice system.
  4. Define due process. Which amendments specifically guarantee due process?
  5. What rights are defendants of criminal proceedings guaranteed?
  6. Please describe the two (2) perspectives which capture the primary goals of the criminal justice system – Crime-control model and due process model.
  7. In chronological order, please describe the American criminal justice process.

Chapter 2 – The Crime Picture

  1. List and describe the three (3) major shifts in crime rates in the United States.
  2. List and describe the two (2) major national sources of crime data.
  3. List all Part 1 Offenses covered by UCR/NIBRS. Of these offenses, which is the most frequently reported major crime?
  4. How does UCR/NIBRS data differ from data collected obtained from the NCVS?

Chapter 4 – Criminal Law

  1. Define law?
  2. Describe the following types of law: Criminal, statutory, and case.
  3. Describe the following general categories of crime: Felonies, misdemeanors, and offenses. List examples of each.
  4. List and describe the three (3) elements that make-up the essence of crime.
  5. Describe the difference between motive and mens rea.
  6. Describe each of the four (4) broad categories of defenses to a criminal charge (*Hint* alibi, justification, excuses, and procedural). Need to be able to identify them.
  7. Describe the following types of justification used as a defense to a criminal charge: Self-defense, defense of home and property, and consent.
  8. Describe the following types of excuses used as a defense to a criminal charge: Duress, unconsciousness, and provocation.
  9. Describe the following types of procedural defenses used a criminal charge: Entrapment, double jeopardy, denial of a speedy trial, prosecutorial misconduct and police fraud.

Chapter 5 – Policing History and Structure

  1. (English Roots) What was the first modern police force, and who is credited with its formation?
  2. What is term (i.e., slang or nick name) used to describe these officers?
  3. List the four levels of law enforcement in the United States. Be able to identify examples of different levels of law enforcement agencies.
  4. State law enforcement agencies across the U.S. fall into one of the two (2) following models: Centralized and decentralized. Describe these two models.
  5. Compare and contrast police chiefs and sheriffs.
  6. Define/describe private protective services. What has contributed to the growth of the private security sector in the U.S.?