Identify a need for psychotherapy group

Student will identify a need for psychotherapy group in your community that you are interested in working with.Identify a social issue/ problem of interest or concern.Once your identify the need and population, you will engage in reviewing the literature for information to support the need for a group, as well as best practices and group interventions. In approximately 3 double- spaced pages, your paper must:

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  • provide a clear definition of the issue / problem – 5 points
  • discuss the scope and magnitude of the issue / problem & discuss what causes the issue / problem to exist – 5 points
  • describe how therapy groups may positively help address this issue/ problem– 5 points
  • explain why this issue/ problem is of interest of you and worthy of group therapy– 5 points
  • What required leadership skills as a group leader would you demonstrate -10 points