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1. In his chapter on “The Meaning of Revelation,” Daniel Migliore explains six characteristics of revelation in Christian theology. In the chart below, explain Migliore’s definition of four of them, in your own words.
Reading TIRG333333.docx Download the attached file (TIRG3.docxPreview the document). Complete the questions

answer the question from the link

  • Daniel L. Migliore, “The Meaning of RevelationPreview the document


    Reading TIRG444444444.docx the word files Download the attached file (TIRG4.docxPreview the document). Complete the questions
    1. In the first chapter of Science and Faith, John Haught describes three different ways of understanding the relationship between science and religion. In the chart below, provide an explanation of how each sees this relationship, using your own words.
    2. In chapter 4 of Science and Faith on “Do Miracles Really Happen?”, John Haught claims that for the “convergence” perspective on the relationship between science and religious faith, we can make sense of miracles by thinking of the laws of nature as like the rules of grammar. What does he mean by this?
    Readings the word files Download the attached file (TIRG4.docxPreview the document). Complete the questions

    answer the question from the link