HR Consultant Proposal

Imagine you have been hired as an HR consultant for your Nokia

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Make a recommendation about ways to grow the company’s workforce inclusive of managerial roles, employment relationships, and implications for change in a global environment, with emphasis on HR’s role.

Create an 8- to 10-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation including the following:

  • Explain the need to grow the company’s workforce based on organizational and personal values.
  • Analyze current environment to include workforce diversity and needs analysis.
  • Recommend ways to grow the company’s workforce that aligns with organizational values.
  • Analyze how leader and manager skills will foster innovation and lead change.
  • Analyze employee relationship problems and pertinent details.
  • Evaluate strategies to resolve the problems; include a table format representation of pros and cons of labor unions.
  • Summarize a potential employee relations training plan.
  • Evaluate the implications of the changes on internal, external, and global environments.

Create a 1,050-word summary report of your findings to the CEO of the organization including a cover letter.

Format your assignment consistent with APA guidelines.