history (the african diaspora experience)

Please read the article titled “Pan-Africanism” by Jeremiah I. Dibua in your history Textbook, pages 318 – 329. Answer the following questions as indicated. Points will be 40 to cover week 1, 2, 8, and 9.

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1. According to the author of the article noted above, what were the goals and objectives of Pan-Africanism before WWII? Provide citations from the readings to support you answers and analyses.

2. What did the author says were the goals and objectives of Pan-Africanism after WWII? What conditions and circumstances may have given rise to these new goals and objectives? Provide citations to support you answers and analyses.

3. Describe how and why the invasion of Ethiopia by Italy in 1935 united peoples of African descent globally. Provide citations to support you answers and analyses.

book name : The African Diaspora Experience