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Deliverable 6 – Diverse Workforce Training Plan
Assignment Content
Analyze the importance of managing a diverse workforce.
Student Success Criteria
View the grading rubric for this deliverable by selecting the “This item is graded with a rubric” link, which is located in the Details & Information pane.
You work for a company that has employees from each of the five generations: Traditionalists, Baby Boomers, Generation X, Millennials, and Generation Z. Because there is a great deal of generational diversity in your company, your managers have sometimes struggled to effectively communicate with their teams. In order to help your colleagues, you decide to put together a part of a training plan to discuss the importance of managing a diverse workforce and provide guidance to managers.
Create a training plan that:
Researches and summarizes each of the five generations in the workforce:
Baby Boomers
Generation X
Generation Z
Identifies effective strategies for communicating with, motivating, and supporting a generationally diverse workforce.
How does each generation prefer to communicate?
How do you keep them engaged?
Examines the benefits that companies have experienced employing multigenerational workforces and why these are important for organizational success.
Analyzes potential communication and collaboration challenges that could occur among the different generations and why these are important to understand when managing a diverse workforce.
Be sure the training plan displays proper grammar, spelling, punctuation, sentence structure, and credible sources cited in APA format.
Writing Lab
APA Guide
Gale (topic overviews)
Discovery (articles and ebooks)
Business via ProQuest (articles)
Deliverable 6 – Diverse Workforce Training Plan
Rubric Details
Maximum Score 4 points
Grade for Deliverable 6
100% of total grade A – 4 – MasteryB – 3 – ProficiencyC – 2 – CompetenceF – 1 – No PassI – 0 – Not Submitted
Criterion 1
0% of total grade A – 4 – MasteryComprehensive research and summary providing thorough details on all 5 generations in the workforce.B – 3 – ProficiencyReasonable research and summary providing details on the 5 generations in the workforce.C – 2 – CompetenceModerate research and summary providing minimal details on the 5 generations in the workforce.F – 1 – No PassRudimentary research and/or missing summary of one or more of the generations in the workforce.I – 0 – Not SubmittedNot Submitted
Criterion 2
0% of total grade A – 4 – MasteryComprehensive strategy for communicating with motivating and supporting generationally diverse workforce, including thorough details on preferred generational communication method and active engagement.B – 3 – ProficiencyReasonable strategy for communicating with motivating and supporting generationally diverse workforce, including details on preferred generational communication method and active engagement.C – 2 – CompetenceModerate strategy for communicating with motivating and supporting generationally diverse workforce, including minimal details on preferred generational communication method and active engagement.F – 1 – No PassRudimentary strategy for communicating with motivating and supporting generationally diverse workforce, and/or missing details on preferred generational communication method and active engagement.I – 0 – Not SubmittedNot Submitted
Criterion 3
0% of total grade A – 4 – MasteryComprehensive examination of benefits company’s experience employing a multigenerational workforce and thorough details on why these are important for organizational success.B – 3 – ProficiencyReasonable examination of benefits company’s experience employing a multigenerational workforce and details on why these are important for organizational success.C – 2 – CompetenceModerate examination of benefits company’s experience employing a multigenerational workforce and minimal details on why these are important for organizational success.F – 1 – No PassRudimentary examination of benefits company’s experience employing a multigenerational workforce and/or missing details on why these are important for organizational success.I – 0 – Not SubmittedNot Submitted
Criterion 4
0% of total grade A – 4 – MasteryComprehensive analysis of potential communication and collaboration challenges that could occur among the different generations and thorough details on why these are important to understand when managing a diverse workforce.B – 3 – ProficiencyReasonable analysis of potential communication and collaboration challenges that could occur among the different generations and details on why these are important to understand when managing a diverse workforce.C – 2 – CompetenceModerate analysis of potential communication and collaboration challenges that could occur among the different generations and minimal details on why these are important to understand when managing a diverse workforce.F – 1 – No PassRudimentary analysis of potential communication and collaboration challenges that could occur among the different generations and/or missing details on why these are important to understand when managing a diverse workforce.I – 0 – Not SubmittedNot Submitted
Criterion 5
0% of total grade A – 4 – MasteryProvided attribution for credible sources in APA format with minimal to no APA, spelling, and grammar errors in the training plan.B – 3 – ProficiencyProvided attribution for credible sources in APA format with minor APA, spelling, and grammar errors (e.g., punctuation, capitalization, or homophone errors – to, too, two) in the training plan.C – 2 – CompetenceAttempted attribution for credible sources in APA format with some APA, spelling, and grammar errors in the training plan.F – 1 – No PassDid not attempt attribution for credible sources in APA format and/or with numerous APA, spelling, and grammar errors which detract from the audience’s ability to comprehend material in the training plan.I – 0 – Not SubmittedNot Submitted
paul 2023-05-16 22:44:45 2023-05-16 22:44:45 geb 4220 diverse workforce training