Finding Reliable Sources Discussion Board

First, watch this video about Credible Sources:

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  • After watching the video tutorials on how to use the Trident Online Library, identify ONE empirical study related to your topic of interest and share the reference using APA style.
  • In addition, provide ONE example of a software tool that can help using APA style appropriately. Example: Refworks (please use other examples).

Background material:

Bhattacherjee, A. (2012). Introduction to Research, Social Science Research: Principles, Methods, and Practices (pp. 1-7). USF Tampa Bay Open Access Textbooks Collection. Book 3.

Ong, W., Lee, D., Ye, A., Wu, C. and Liao, S. (2015). IKEA Case Study. Created with

Rabianski, J. S. (2003). Primary and secondary data: Concepts, concerns, errors, and issues. The Appraisal Journal, 71(1), 43-55. Retrieved from the Trident Online Library.

Lunenburg, F. C., & Irby, B. J. (2008;2014;2007;). Writing a successful thesis or dissertation: Tips and strategies for students in the social and behavioral sciences (1st ed.). US: Corwin Press. Chapter 1:Selecting a Suitable Topic. (p. 2-15). Retrieved from the Trident Online Library.

Optional Reading

Blackstone, A. (2012). Paradigms, Theories, and How They Shape a Researcher’s Approach, Principles of Sociological Inquiry (pp. 15-18)

Trochim W. and J. Donnelly (2008). Foundations (Philosophy of Research-Structure of Research), The Research Knowledge Base (3 ed.). Mason, Ohio: Cengage Learning.

Sacramento State University Library (2017.) APA Style Guide: Table 6.1 Basic Citation Styles.…

California State University, Chico, Merriam Library (2011). What is a scholarly article? Retrieved from…