Field Report

the assignment is to write a FIELD REPORT on a current (in-progress) or completed civil engineering or other construction project (something that you can actually physically and visually inspect). Be sure to include, at a minimum, the following information (below): Projects could range from sidewalk repairs to buildings to drainage improvements to environmental restoration (just about anything). IF YOU ARE GOING TO BE ON AN ACTUAL CONSTRUCTION SITE, PLEASE MAKE SURE YOU HAVE PERMISSION FROM THE SITE PERSONNEL AND COMPLY WITH ANY DIRECTION THEY GIVE (WEARING SAFETY EQUIPMENT, ETC.)

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-Date and time

-Weather conditions

-Detailed description of the work

-Numbers and types of workers and equipment on site (ongoing projects only)

-Deficiencies in either the design or construction and what recommendations you would make for correction

-Direction/recommendations that you might give to the contractor going forward. For example…”erosion control (silt fence) needs to be repaired at various locations, etc.”

-Any other pertinent info that you feel appropriate to adequately DOCUMENT the project *PICTURES WOULD BE GOOD*

Search projects in Mobile, AL, where I live and go to school. and it should not be long like a summary