Essay 2 half draft + discussion + Research question and checklist + debate response

Essay 2 half draft

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write about 2 pages half draft for essay 2 ( essay 2 is the essay you have written the introduction)


a. Pollan states,

Sometimes I think that all it would take to clarify our feelings about eating meat, and in the process begin to redeem animal agriculture, would be to simply pass a law requiring all the sheet-metal walls of all the CAFOs, and even the concrete walls of the slaughterhouses, to be replaced with glass. (332)

How do you think this would change our view of meat consumption or where we want to buy our meat?

b. write a paragraph response to the other student’s posting.

Research questions and checklist (this is for essay 3, the research paper, not essay 2!!!!!!!)

Complete the research questions and checklist form.

Debate response

Write one paragraph response to the debate 9.3. First, before reading the debate, note if you are for or against the statement (before reading the debate, do you agree more with the pro or con position?). Then note if your position changed or remained the same after you read the debate (after reading the debate, do you agree more with the pro or con position?) Give any insights on the debate or debate topic.