Epidemiology of Health and Illness. Community Health Planning Implementation and evaluation

Read chapter 5, 7 and 8. Once done answer the following questions:

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  1. Define epidemiology and identify the epidemiological models used to explain disease and health pattern in populations.
  2. How can you apply the epidemiological methods to describe the stated of health in the community or aggregate?
  3. Mention and analyze the factors that have contributed to the failure of health planning legislation to control health care costs.
  4. Compare and contrast Freire’s approach to health education with individualistic health education model.

present assignment in an APA format word document, Arial 12 font.

A minimum of 2 evidence-based references (besides the class textbook) no older than 5 years must be used.

A minimum of 800 words is required (excluding the first and reference page). Please make sure to follow the instructions as given and use either spell-check or Grammarly before you post your assignment.