English Writing Assignment

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Ernest Hemingway once said, “Write what you know.”In this assignment you are going take that advice.  Think of an intense argument you had or witnessed sometime in your life.  Close your eyes and remember every detail. To turn this into a dramatic scene you will need to make changes that will make it make more sense to the audience.  You will also want to escalate the argument to build the intensity.  Action is also important in a play, so include some action.  To get started, copy and complete the chart below.

When you write the dialogue, remember dialogue is not chit chat. Every sentence must either reveal something about the character or move the plot forward. Concentrate on everything you have learned about diction in this section when you give your characters their words.

Assignment requirements:

  • 500-600 words
  • A description of the set up that explains what happened before the scene
  • Diction that matches the characters
  • Character objectives and obstacles are clearly conveyed
  • A scene that escalates in dramatic intensity
  • Diction that is appropriate to the audience
  • Words that are not wasted in idle chit chat
  • Action (stage directions) that enhance the scene
  • Proper formatting for drama