Employment Law

Looking for 4000 to 5000 words please if you can’t do this much do not take this question please.


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The firm is putting together a guide on aspects on Employment and IR law and your supervisor has asked you to undertake the following tasks for possible inclusion in the guide.


1 The Employment Equality Acts 1998-2015 seek to promote equality by prohibiting discrimination and harassment including sexual harassment. Evaluate by answering A-D below

A Explain the concepts of: discrimination, (include the 9 grounds, direct, indirect and discrimination by association), harassment, sexual harassment, and Victimisation.

B Discuss where an employee can bring a complaint in respect of a breach of the Employment Equality Acts 1998-2015 and the remedies available and where one can appeal to.

C Evaluate the aspects of employment where an employer is prohibited from discriminating referring to case law in your answer

D Identify the EU law upon which the Employment Equality Acts 1998-2015 are based.

2 Evaluate the role and function of labour relations institutions and trade unions and the legal procedures of redress which apply under employment law by answering A-D below.

A Evaluate the 3 different procedures the WRC can use to deal with a complaint of breach of employment rights.

B Explain where one can appeal from a WRC adjudication including whether one can bring an appeal to the Courts and any time limits.

C Evaluate the role and function of Trade Unions

D Evaluate the role of the Labour Court in Industrial Relations.

  • Investigate and discuss the legislative framework governing Safety Health and Welfare at work investigating the obligations on employers and employees.
  • Discuss how the law on collective bargaining has been changed by the Industrial Relations Act 2015 and the effect of the changes.