Electronic literature Assignment 2



 1. The Oulipo section from the New Media Reader. If you’ve never heard of the Oulipo, you may want to read the Oulipo article on Wikipedia first to give you some context.

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Post personal response around 500 words
Post your thoughts on this week’s readings. For example, you could write about time and media, things being “obsolete”, the way Borges writes stories, the effects of certain ways of structuring text, how it feels to read texts that are infinitely long and “impossible”, how the Oulipo relates to digitally mediated writing, etc.

Also: please write your posts/replies this week from inside the fictional universe of the Library.

What I mean is this: imagine that you live in the Library, this course is being taught in the Library, and you’re using a Library computer (what does that look like?) to make your posts. Perhaps this will affect your vocabulary or style of writing. Maybe leaving the Library is possible, and there’s a door that leads outside; maybe the entire universe is only the Library. Details are up to you.

Grading: Post comprehensively addresses the topic, adds value to discussion with stimulating posts Posts in-depth, incisive reflections that demonstrate critical thinking; shares real-world experiences and examples Well-written posts made within required timeframe; no grammar/spelling errors