developing a claim for 3 texts (1250 words)

For paper one, you developed an original claim in response to a text you chose with your Learning Community. For paper two, you will choose a series of 4 or more texts. Your goal with this essay is to identify a specific opportunity for conversation in this set of texts and develop an original and interesting claim (likely in response to a question emerging from your sense of the opportunity for conversation). Remember that an opportunity for conversation can be a gap, tension, contradiction, ambiguity, or difficulty in the texts or the subject of the text. While the opportunity for conversation in your first paper was necessarily located within one specific essay, you can tackle a slightly broader issue for this essay.

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Your paper should be at least 5 full pages (or 1250 words). Your rough and final drafts should be formatted according to MLA guidelines, which you can find at

Tip: A strong claim is an answer to a complex question. You might find it useful to begin this assignment by formulating a question and drafting your essay by pursuing the question through close analysis of passages from the assigned texts. You can then revise your draft so it is organized to support your claim.