Defining training and understanding its strategic purpose, business and finance homework help
Reply to the two discussion thread below.. Nothing long around 150 – 200 words per discussion.
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Reply 1: Defining training and understanding its strategic purpose
At first glance, Week 5 content spans two seemingly disparate
functions – developing training and assessing employee performance. The
processes are defined and presented sequentially in your text. In reality, the
functions are more closely related than they seem in the sense that assessing
performance could identify a need for training, couldn’t it? Let’s talk!
What I would like you to do for this first conference is to think
about training. What exactly is training? Please don’t parrot-back the text
Include in your discussion and explanation, your ideas about WHY
you think corporations spend billions of dollars every year to provide training
for their employees. And last, in your “definition” discussion
include your ideas about how training supports an organization’s strategic
goals and objectives. What does trainingdofor
an organization? Are there really any benefits? Why or why not……?
Reply 2 : Critique this Training Proposal (Everyone responds)
Now that we have discussed the stages of training design including
the needs assessment, the design and the evaluation steps, I am asking you to
apply your knowledge and understanding. Review the following proposed training
design and then develop a critique of its effectiveness and make your
recommendations for improvement. Let’s do it!
Your analysis might be guided by the following questions: What do
you think is done well in the design and what suggestions do you have for
improving the training? Why? Do you think the design met the stated training
outcomes and is the evaluation as designed substantial enough? Are the
evaluation goals Specific, Measurable, Acceptable, Realistic and Time Bound?
Imagine yourself as an attendee at the training. How effective would this
session be for you?
Your specific program analysis might include determining if the
right intended audience is included in the training, if their possible learning
styles have been taken into consideration, and if the goas and objectives of
the program are clear and appropriate. Is the delivery of the program
effective? Is the assessment of the training sufficient?