DARE Program Evaluation Plan, Part 1

This program evaluation of D.A.R.E. (Drug Abuse Resistance Education) is first part of a five-part project to plan the various elements of a program evaluation for education.

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Write a three to four (3-4) page paper in which you:

  1. Describe three (3) elements of a worthy object for program evaluation – its type, the department administrating it, and target population. (THIS WILL BE D.A.R.E.’S PROGRAM OVERVIEW)
  2. Describe the D.A.R.E.’S history, primary purpose(s), and / or expected outcomes.
  3. Explain three (3) reasons for selecting D.A.R.E. (e.g., program’s value or lack of it, issues surrounding it, age, relevance, cost, impact on students, etc.) AND EXPAND UPON THE REASONS.
  4. Discuss three (3) advantages of evaluating D.A.R.E. at this time.
  5. Discuss two (2) major constraints in conducting an evaluation D.A.R.E and a method of addressing them.
  6. Use at least three (3) peer-reviewed academic resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and many Websites do not qualify as academic resources. Peer-reviewed academic resources refer to articles and scholarly journals that are reviewed by a panel of experts or peers in the field. Review the video titled Research Starter: Finding Peer-Reviewed References for more information on obtaining peer-reviewed academic resources through your Blackboard course shell.