Creating an FAQ for Students with Disabilities

Write a FAQ that would be useful to “Students with Disabilities” on a college website. You will format the document as if it would be going on the Website, but you will write the document in Microsoft Word or equivalent word processing software.

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Write a one to two (2-3) page FAQ sheet for the intended audience and purpose. On a separate page within the same document, write a paragraph that identifies the intended audience and purpose of the FAQ sheet you have created. (Submit one document in total with both components included.) The document should:

  1. Match the intended audience and purpose for situation and tone.
  2. Ensure that content is measured, concise, and applicable.
  3. Craft a document that is easy to read.
  4. Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; references must follow APA