Consider an element of your culture’s social code that other cultures have criticized, assignment help

Choose one topic for your
initial post.  Copy and paste the question at the top of your response (this
does not count toward the total word count).

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  • Relativism: Consider an element of your culture’s
    social code that other cultures have criticized. Describe this to your group. Is
    this based on an objective moral standard, or a subjective culturally-developed
    value?  Response posts (RPs) should discuss whether this element is objective or
    subjective and why.
  • Egoism: Explain the idea of “us and them” that is
    created by ethical egoism. What problems occur when we divide people into these
    categories? Responses posts (RPs) should point out what problems have been
    overlooked in the initial post (IP) and add material; avoid basic agreement and
    reiterating the IPs points.
  • Click to view the video 
    .  Do you feel that political figures in the
    United States struggle with pragmatism? Support your stance with theory and
    current events.
    RPs should effectively support
    agreement or disagreement.


  • Incorporate at least one piece
    of support from this week’s reading assignment(s), cited and referenced
    APA formatting.

  • Reference your sources at the
    bottom of your post.

  • This post must be 250-350
    words. Neither the quotation, nor references count toward the word

reference to the week reading assignment

Rachels, J. & Rachels, S. (2015). The elements of moral philosophy (8th
ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Education. — Chapter 2  (pp. 15-33)