Compare and contrast the four basic types of architectural views, computer science help

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  1. Compare and contrast the four basic types of architectural views – logical, process, development and physical. Which do you find most useful to your needs and why?

      a. your analysis should be between  150 to 200 words 

      b. APA citation is mandatory

    2.  Research the Model-View-Controller (MVC) layered architectural pattern and the Client-Server architectural pattern.

            a. Explain each architectural approach and describe how each is organized (i.e., how they work).

            b. Compare and contrast each architectural pattern. What types of systems and application development environments might each be best suited for?

            c. Which of the two architectural patterns are best suited for dynamic application development environments characterized by high rates of change?  Why?

            d.Your analysis should be at least 250 but not more than 500 words.