Business and society course writing assignment

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At the end of Ch. 8 of your textbook (starting on p. 270 in the loose-leaf version) you will find Short Incidents for Ethical Reasoning. Read “AL” and “THE HONDA AUCTION.” For each incident, you must identify the pertinent facts, the ethical issue(s), all relevant stakeholders and determine how they could be impacted by the decision that will be made, identify and apply at least one principle for ethical reasoning, and then consider alternative courses of action and choose the best course of action based on stakeholder impacts and the outcome of the application of the ethical principle. You can use A Framework for Ethical Decision Making or the Eight Steps to Ethical Decision Making (found in the CSR & Ethics Module) as a guide.

Your textbook defines stakeholders as an entity that is benefitted or burdened by the actions of a corporation or whose actions may benefit or burden the corporation. Some common examples of stakeholders would include customers, employees, suppliers, stockholders, and the community.

Businesses will almost always have multiple stakeholders, and many times their interests will conflict. This means that a business decision-maker will frequently have to make a decision in the face of competing claims from different stakeholders. The question of whose interests should be prioritized requires the exercise of judgment. This skill—examining competing claims and deciding which one is the strongest—is called evaluation. You will want to consider the power, urgency, and legitimacy that each stakeholder presents.

You should put yourselves in each stakeholder’s position—Why do they care about the outcome of the decision? How will they be affected? What outcome would they prefer? What are their arguments in support of their preferred outcome? You will want to consider the power, urgency, and legitimacy that each stakeholder presents. Two of the videos below will give you a brief review of stakeholder theory and give you an idea of what skills you will be expected to demonstrate when you complete this assignment. Additionally, writing mechanics and grammar are graded as part of this assignment. A video on improving mechanics in business writing is provided below to help refresh your memory. Viewing statistics will be collected and counted as part of the assignment’s grade.

Before submitting the assignment, review the rubric attached to the assignment to ensure you have included everything in your paper that needs to be included. Your submission must be in a Word document or PDF, typed in size 12 Times New Roman font and double-spaced. Your submission must not exceed 10 pages.