Avoiding Time Management Pitfalls

For this assignment, please complete the following:

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Step 1: Track how you spend your time for three days. You can make a chart, or you can track the hours you spend on different activities using the following tool: http://www.studygs.net/schedule/.

*You do not need to submit the chart.*

Please be honest. Only your instructor will read this assignment. Reviewing the ways you spend your time may surprise you.

Step 2: After you have charted how you spent your time for three days, please create a 250 word document that addresses the following:

  • On
    average over three days, how many hours per day do you spend for
    studying, homework completion, and other academic requirements?
  • On
    average over three days, how many hours per day do you spend for
    personal care/grooming, meal preparation/eating, and exercise/sport?
  • On average over three days, how many hours per night do you spend sleeping?
  • On average over three days, how many hours per day do you spend relaxing, such as playing video games or watching TV?
  • On average, how many hours per day do you spend working on your short-term or long-term goals?
  • Write a minimum 250 word
    paragraph that describes the top three time management pitfalls you
    face, and describe the specific ways you plan to avoid these pitfalls.