Assignment: Technology Innovation Field Report: Part 3

Module 5: Part 3 ********* Approximately 8–10 pages.

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Field Notes: Describe the procedures your group used to test the innovative technology.

  • What aspects of the technology did your group choose to test?
  • How did you conduct the field test? Provide a sequential, well-organized, logical and multi-level outline of the steps you followed.
  • Include a justification for how you selected the setting, participants, and uses of the innovation; the aspects of the technology your group chose to test; and how you conducted the field test.
  • Why did you use that procedure to measure the effectiveness of the technological innovation?

Write your procedures so another technologist could replicate your Field Study.

Results: What did you discover about the technological innovation you tested?

  • What need does this technology attempt to meet and how well does it meet that need?
  • What are the potential benefits of applying this technological innovation for teaching and learning? Make a recommendation as to where this technology would be of greatest benefit.
  • Analyze the potential challenges, problems, and dangers associated with this technological innovation in terms of instruction and learning.
  • Analyze the potential benefits, problems, challenges, and dangers of implementing this technology.
  • Develop a recommendation based on an analysis of where this technology could be used. Provide reasons supported with evidence that a leader would be able to use to endorse its use, including results from current research.
  • Creatively predict the development of this technological innovation from fad to trend, documenting your prediction with your experience from the Field Study and current literature/research.
  • Where do you think this innovation is on the Gartner Hype Cycle? Analyze how your innovation moved through the Gartner Hype Cycle comparing time and expectations with references to innovation triggers, peaking inflated expectations, trough of disillusionment, slope of enlightenment, and the plateau of productivity. Predict when the innovation will hit the plateau of productivity.

Personal Reflection

  • If you are a PhD or EdD student, what did you discover about yourself as an emerging researcher? If you are an EdS or certificate student, what did you discover about yourself as a leader in the field? Provide examples from your work on the Field Study, work in your Reporting Team, and research on your topic.
  • Which current technological innovations attract you the most? Provide an analysis of why they attract you. What do you find attractive about these technological innovations in terms of learning and creativity.
  • Provide a reflection on the evolution of your Personal Learning Network (PLN) throughout this course. Share how you need to maintain or improve your PLN to achieve professional and personal goals as they relate to your profession/ workplace and to your Walden program of study. What new components have you added to your PLN as you progressed through this course?


Rubric Detail

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Name: EDDD_8090_Module_5_Assignment_Rubric

Description: EDPD 8090 Assignment Module 5 Rubric EDSD 7090 Assignment Module 5 Rubric

Field Note Procedures: The description of your Field Report procedures used to test the technological innovation includes a sequential, well-organized, logical, and multi-level outline of the steps followed. The procedures you used could be replicated by other technologists without issues. (2 paragraphs)

0 (0%) – 1 (1.67%)

2 (3.33%) – 2 (3.33%)

3 (5%) – 3 (5%)

4 (6.67%) – 4 (6.67%)

“Field Note Procedures: A justification of the procedure you used to test the technological innovation is provided and includes how you selected the setting, participants, and uses of the innovation; the aspects of the technology your group chose to test; how you conducted the field test; and why you used that procedure to measure the effectiveness of the technological innovation. (2-3 paragraphs) “

0 (0%) – 1 (1.67%)

2 (3.33%) – 2 (3.33%)

3 (5%) – 3 (5%)

4 (6.67%) – 4 (6.67%)

Results: An analysis and synthesis of the potential benefits and implications of applying this technological innovation for teaching and learning include both how students learn and how teachers instruct using this technology. (2 paragraphs)

0 (0%) – 1 (1.67%)

2 (3.33%) – 2 (3.33%)

3 (5%) – 3 (5%)

4 (6.67%) – 4 (6.67%)

Results: An analysis and synthesis of the problems, challenges, and dangers of applying this technological innovation for teaching and learning include both how students learn and how teachers instruct using this technology. (2 paragraphs)

0 (0%) – 1 (1.67%)

2 (3.33%) – 2 (3.33%)

3 (5%) – 3 (5%)

4 (6.67%) – 4 (6.67%)

Results: An analysis and evaluation of the technological innovation to address the benefits, problems, challenges, and dangers of implementation is included. Supporting evidence is provided for each point. (1 paragraph)

0 (0%) – 1 (1.67%)

2 (3.33%) – 2 (3.33%)

3 (5%) – 3 (5%)

4 (6.67%) – 4 (6.67%)

Results: A recommendation is provided with an analysis of where this technology could be used. The analysis provided reasons supported with evidence that a leader would be able to use to endorse its use, including results from current research. (1 paragraph)

0 (0%) – 1 (1.67%)

2 (3.33%) – 2 (3.33%)

3 (5%) – 3 (5%)

4 (6.67%) – 4 (6.67%)

Results: A detailed, creative, and visionary prediction is included about the development of this technological innovation from fad to trend, and is well-documented with experience from the Field Study and current literature/research. (1 paragraph)

0 (0%) – 1 (1.67%)

2 (3.33%) – 2 (3.33%)

3 (5%) – 3 (5%)

4 (6.67%) – 4 (6.67%)

Results: An analysis is provided for the adoption of new media based on how this technological innovation moved through the Gartner Hype Cycle comparing time and expectations with references to innovation triggers, peaking inflated expectations, trough of disillusionment, slope of enlightenment, and the plateau of productivity. A prediction of when the innovation will hit the plateau of productivity is included. (1-2 paragraphs)

0 (0%) – 1 (1.67%)

2 (3.33%) – 2 (3.33%)

3 (5%) – 3 (5%)

4 (6.67%) – 4 (6.67%)

Personal Reflection: An analysis of your growth as a leader/ researcher in educational technology is provided with examples from your work on the Field Study, work in your Reporting Team, and research on your topic. (1-2 paragraphs)

0 (0%) – 1 (1.67%)

2 (3.33%) – 2 (3.33%)

3 (5%) – 3 (5%)

4 (6.67%) – 4 (6.67%)

Personal Reflection: You provided details about the current technological trends that attract you the most with an analysis of why they attract you. You included evidence and examples from the literature to support your position about how your choice related to learning and creativity. (1-2 paragraphs)

0 (0%) – 1 (1.67%)

2 (3.33%) – 2 (3.33%)

3 (5%) – 3 (5%)

4 (6.67%) – 4 (6.67%)

“Personal Reflection: A reflection on the evolution of your Personal Learning Network (PLN) throughout this course is provided. You shared how you need to maintain or improve your PLN to achieve professional and personal goals as they relate to your profession/ workplace and to your Walden program of study. (1 paragraph) “

0 (0%) – 1 (1.67%)

2 (3.33%) – 2 (3.33%)

3 (5%) – 3 (5%)

4 (6.67%) – 4 (6.67%)

Personal Reflection: In your personal reflection, you included a detailed analysis of the elements you added to your PLN as a result of your Field Report sharing the relevance of the new additions to your personal and professional work and growth. (1 paragraph)

0 (0%) – 1 (1.67%)

2 (3.33%) – 2 (3.33%)

3 (5%) – 3 (5%)

4 (6.67%) – 4 (6.67%)

Collaboration: Your Reporting Team indicated that you led or shared leadership of the Field Report. Your Reporting Team indicated that you met all of the following criteria: (a) attended meetings, (b) were timely in scheduled meetings, (c) were prepared to make contributions to team meetings, (d) contributed to the field test process, and (e) contributed to the development and production of the final field test report.

0 (0%) – 1 (1.67%)

2 (3.33%) – 2 (3.33%)

3 (5%) – 3 (5%)

4 (6.67%) – 4 (6.67%)

“Collaboration: You met four of the following criteria: Your Reporting Team indicated that you (a) built community, (b) shared ideas, (c) positively received ideas from others, and (d) contributed to the success of the other members of your Reporting Team.”

0 (0%) – 1 (1.67%)

2 (3.33%) – 2 (3.33%)

3 (5%) – 3 (5%)

4 (6.67%) – 4 (6.67%)

Self-Assessment Using Rubric: You provided a self-assessment of your Innovative Technology Field Report on this rubric and pasted it to the end of the Field Report Template. Your comments were reflective and demonstrated critical thinking about your work on the Field Report. You included areas for improvement in your analysis.

0 (0%) – 1 (1.67%)

2 (3.33%) – 2 (3.33%)

3 (5%) – 3 (5%)

4 (6.67%) – 4 (6.67%)

Total Points: 60